Friday, January 7, 2011

Sacrifice for others...Sacrifice for self??

So it seems that we go through our daily routine without ever really taking a step back and looking at our actions and who we do them for.  Every day is a sacrifice and a commitment to something or someone, its just gotten to the point that its no longer viewed as such.  We sacrifice and commit to work, relationships, kids, friends, and strangers every single day.  Do we ever think of them as such or have they simply become routine?

We commit and give so much of ourselves to our family and friends; that committing to our own health, hobbies, and sanity is nearly impossible.  With everything that we do, one of the hardest things is making a commitment to ourselves.  Why is that so hard?  It should be the easiest of them, despite the difficulty of the commitment, because we are doing it for our self. 

I think we try new things and when faced with a little difficulty we quit.  Our own reasons don't carry the same weight as doing it for our spouses or children.  But what do you sacrifice by not making those changes or finding the time? These are all weak minded excuses that allow us to simply give up. Life is hard, marriage is hard, children are harder...yet we all manage to stay strong and get through them. 

What is the comparison between not eating processed foods or working out daily and being married?  Which would think is an easier task to manage?  Marriage takes a lot more work and sacrifice than going to the gym, changing the way you eat for you and your family, or sticking to a new hobby / lifestyle.

Its time we do something for ourselves and let our own reasons be enough to carry us through the hard parts.  Stop quitting on yourself and find the value in your own life for you.  Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family and friends.  Children learn their habits from parents, so set a good example to get them off to a great start.  If nothing else, show them that if you want something that you can get it with discipline, commitment, and sacrifice. 

Try something new for you.  It can be anything that you have always talked about.  Pick up a new hobby, start reading more, put down the cigarettes and donuts.  Get your life together and start living it the right way, not the accepted way.  The accepted way is full of excuses, quitters, and wanna be's.  Time to rise above the crap and get moving forward.

Hang in there, because it is a rough ride and will take everything you have to get there.  When you do arrive, you can look back at all that YOU accomplished on your own and be proud of your sacrifices and how far you have come. Sometimes it is a very lonely road, but remember that you are never alone.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Leaders in Inspiration

This is my challenge to a leader in inspiration! 

What the heck does that mean, you ask?  Challenge yourself with the idea that others will be inspired and join in.  So often we get caught up in our own little world that we forget other people in our life are following our lead.  My belief is that everyone wants to be healthier, work out, eat better, and generally get out and experience life.  The sad part is, there are far more people that would rather you sit at home and do nothing, eat poorly, watch tv, etc.. because they are.  The old saying is true..."Misery loves company". 

So how do you be a leader in inspiration?  Easier said than done, but this is why I challenge you to do it.  Sometimes doing something new or difficult for yourself has a secondary affect on others in your life.  Your daily actions touch more people than you could possibly know, especially using the internet as a conduit to friends and family.

Making a drastic change for the better in your life can have a dramatic affect on others, simply because they know you.  You become the "ray of sunshine" in their life, or the inspiration to them to also make the changes they have been wanting to do for so long.  You may find that rising above the peer pressure and sticking to a goal will pull someone out of their slump to do same.  Starting a new healthy eating program or workout regimen will have friends and family wanting to do it as well.  Not everyone is strong enough to be the leader, but if you can be dedicated for yourself; you may be able to help others find the strength to be dedicated for themselves. 

The people in the following pictures inspire me, because they show up everyday and choose to not live the accepted life.  They challenge themselves everyday with the idea that we can be better.

Be a leader!  Make a goal and stay true to it.  Don't let peer pressure pull you away from you goals, because you are not only letting yourself down but all those silent followers who are using you as a way to get motivated and get their life on track.  Be strong and one day you may hear a story about how you inspired someone to take control of thier life again and be the person they once were.  No longer the person that just accepts the way their life is, because it is too late to change. 

Its never too late to change.  Every moment is a new opportunity to take back control and do something great.  Use this moment to be do something great and be a leader in inspiration :).


Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year...New You!

Its that time again.  The time of year to reflect on the victories and defeats, and to re-evaluate what you want to happen in the coming 12 months.  This is the time of the year to put away all the negative, reach for new heights, embrace the things you have, and move forward. 

I was talking to some friends the other day about perception and change. Being the new year, this is when we all make the choice to change the bad habits in our lives.  Usually these positive changes fall victim to suicide for one reason or another.  If you feel that something in your life is a negative, then its up to you to make the change or accept it.  Acceptance to me is quitting, and I am Not a big fan of quitters! How you perceive the change has a big impact on the success or failure of your endeavor. 

Lets use our example.  This year, my wife and I have decided to go Paleo.  We want to do this for a number of reasons, but ultimately we want to start having a positive impact on our health for down the road.  There is too much science out there that links the foods we eat to life threatening diseases and serious health problems.  Side note for all those that say it costs too much to eat healthy and I don't have the time to deal with it.  Lets look ahead 10-15 years.  Your monthly hospital/doctor visits, medications, and shots for the rest of your life will be far more expensive than the extra dollar for a quality meal vs. junk.  Not to mention the time it takes out of your life to see doctors, pharmacy's, etc. when you can go for a walk, play a game with your kids, or take an hour out of your day to work out for your own sanity and health. I'm sure you would rather spend that hour a day in the gym looking and feeling great than in a waiting room with a bunch of sick people who "don't have the time to work out".  Just a new way to view the excuses you make now and the consequences you will have to deal with later :). 

How you look at your situation now vs. 10 years from now will provide you a lot to think about, unless you just accept your situation and are willing to fall into that category.  I digress... So rather than looking at Paleo as a negative because of the foods we can no longer eat, we need to look at the positive and see what we can,  Keep in mind all these foods we eat are a direct link to diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and many others.  They have made us carb addicts and we feel that we have to eat them in order to go on. The point to all is to change your perception and you will find yourself achieving the goals you set.

Successful people aren't that way because of their intelligence, but because of how they view situations.  Replace "I cant" with "there is another way" and you will find yourself doing things you didn't know you could.  If your view your life as too busy, no time, not enough money, too tired, etc... then that is how it will always be.  Life is busy but if you want something then change your view and go get it.  You will never reach your goals or full potential if all you see are the hurdles in your way.  See the finish line and know that there is always a way around the hurdles. 

Wish us luck in 2011 as we transition to a new life of health and prosperity. I'm sure we will be chatting more about Paleo as we learn and live it the coming months.  I wish you all the same success with your goals and if I can help you attain any of them, please don't hesitate to ask.  I will also keep you posted as to the progress with the gym.  Looking at Mid Jan/Feb 1 as firm opening date.
